We create our own struggles, and we actually choose to struggle
Do you find it difficult to save money? While many people may say yes, it may not necessarily be a significant challenge. There are numerous tools available to assist us in saving money, but the real challenge is our willingness to do so. Changing our behavior to adopt constructive habits can be a struggle. External factors, such as the economy, can also impact our spending habits, but it is not necessarily the determining factor. The key to saving money is to understand why we spend money. Our upbringing can also play a role in our spending habits, but on a smaller scale
One may wonder about the significant factors that impact our savings. Sadly, we tend to avoid the task of saving money while eagerly spending it. We often prioritize the instant gratification of purchasing things, even for the slightest accomplishments, and it has become our habitual behavior. This behavior has even extended to our sole approach to money. We make money to spend it, and the cycle continues as we make more to spend more. We have become subservient to the system, where money dictates our way of life
"Why do we spend money?” is an unfair question to start with. A more suitable question must be, “Why do we make money?”
Several factors influence our spending habits in our daily lives. Social media and online shopping are two significant contributors to where our money goes. We often feel entitled to buy something after seeing it online. Peer pressure and a desire to fit in with our social circle are common reasons for spending money. Additionally, compulsive buying can become an addiction due to the immediate gratification it provides, which triggers the release of dopamine in our brains
Spending money is an addiction that no one talks about
Similar to any addiction, overspending comes from negative or destructive behavior patterns. To overcome this, it's crucial to identify the root cause of these behaviors and gradually work on managing them. This involves recognizing triggers and replacing negative habits with positive and constructive ones. This approach will help reduce our compulsion to spend money and allow us to save more by gaining an understanding of our spending habits
Very well said, and yes, sadly no one talks about this. Everyone fears that people will think badly of them if they are trying to save up money instead of just spending on unnecessary things.